Best Conditions for Jinn Travel
The following writings are excerpted/abbreviated from Samael Aun Weor's "Yellow Book":
"There exist many substances that will help us in Jinn Science. The student of occultism must know what these substances are, and learn how to control them. Jinn Science is terribly divine.
The egg contains great occult powers. The hen’s egg is utilized for the Jinn State.
Warm the egg slightly in water; remove the pointy tip of the eggshell then remove the yolk and the white of the egg. Now we have to grind the empty eggshell into dust. This powder is utilized by the yogis of Jinn Science.
Every night, before performing Jinn practices, the devotee must sprinkle the powder on his chest and under his arms or armpits. The student must then cover himself completely with clothing or bedding and begin practicing Jinn Science. The student must have a large quantity of this powder for practices. The great powers of Jinn Science are hidden within this powder. This powder is marvelous.
Note: one does not need a large quantity of egg shell powder, but rather can use one single eggshell prepared in the right way for its own practice which will be given in the "Keys to Enter the Jinn State" section.
Men who are working with Jinn Science must wear only yellow pajama pants (or loose fitting bathing trunks). The remainder of the body must be nude. Comfortable, loose clothing is best for Jinn practices because the chakras will spin freely.
Women who are practicing Jinn Science must wear only a loose fitting yellow robe that is as long and as wide as possible. The robe must be very beautiful, similar to the robes of the Samaritans.
These yellow robes that are used for Jinn Science are not for Gnostic rituals. These robes are to be used only for Jinn Science practices and must be worn directly over the skin of the body. Absolutely nothing must he worn under this wide robe.
We should decorate the room that we practice Jinn Science in with a lot of yellow. Yellow curtains, walls, carpets, lights – and wearing yellow pajamas/robes. We can also scent the
room with “frankincense, myrrh, aloe, sulfur, and camphor.” We should also maintain general cleanliness. “Flowers, perfumes, symbolic pictures (Jesus, Buddha, Divine Mother, the Jinn etc) and beautiful music contribute to creating an environment filled with wisdom and love.”
Note: these are not absolute requirements but are included here to assist those who wish to maximize their results. I have accessed the Jinn State on multiple occasions without ever being dressed in yellow, using eggshells, or using incense and another room for the jinn practice, etc. What matters most is the will and efforts of the individual. The author also tells us that we should lie on the left side (the side of our heart) and sometimes to face certain directions (such as North), though I have successfully made it into the Jinn State on my right side facing South. I also did not do any of the "pranayama" meditation exercises given in the book as preliminary practices and had no trouble. Accessing the Jinn State once you have done it is in my opinion much easier than astral projection or lucid dreaming (not to mention it is considerably more beautiful and peaceful than those states have been).