The Lost Enchanters

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A 12-Day Course on Developing Clairvoyance

A 12-Day Course on Clairvoyance

This course is a study guide for Æ's "The Candle of Vision" (1918). His book is available for free online.

You can also download a free PDF of "The Candle of Vision" HERE.

For a hardcopy and expanded version of this course, please purchase the book
"Guide to Faerieland".

Day One - Retrospect

Day Two - Meditation
Day Three - Visionary Abilities
Day Four - Analytic
Day Five - Mingling Natures
Day Six - Earth Memories (NZ Giants)
Day Seven - Imagination
Day Eight - Dreams
Day Nine - Intuition
Day Ten - Power
Day Eleven - Memory of the Spirit
Day Twelve - Earth
(Conclusion of the Course)

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