Explanations on Hyperspace
The following writing is excerpted/abbreviated from Samael Aun Weor's "Yellow Book":
"Hyperspace can be demonstrated mathematically with hypergeometry. Jinn Science belongs to hyperspace and to hypergeometry.
If we know what volume is, then we must accept hypervolume as the base of volume. If we accept the geometric sphere, then we must also accept the hypersphere.
Hyperspace permits Gnostics to perform extraordinary acts.
The appearance and disappearance of a body in three-dimensional objective space, or the passing of a person through a wall, is performed with success when hyperspace is scientifically utilized. Gnostic scientists can place their physical body in the Jinn State and move consciously in hyperspace.
When the body of a yogi is in hyperspace we say that he is in Jinn State. A yogi can walk on fire without being burned when he is in Jinn State. He can also walk upon the waters as Jesus did.
He can float in the air. He can pass through a boulder or a wall, from one side to the other, without damaging his body.
Jinn Science is based on hyperspace; it is a special branch of atomic physics.
Ignorant people who have never studied hypergeometry deny the fact that the Jinn State exists. These types of people deserve to be pitied because they are ignorant.
Primitive geometry is based on the absurd hypothesis that on a plane, from one point to another, we can trace a straight parallel line, but only one line (speaking in elementary terms).
The Gnostic movement rejects the Euclidean point of view, which only studies the three known dimensions. Such a point of view is totally primitive for this atomic era.
The so-called unique parallel line (speaking in an absolutely spatial sense) multiplies itself within the different dimensions of hyperspace. Therefore, it is no longer one unique line.
The single parallel of Euclid is just a sophism in order to trap ignorant people. Gnostics reject this type of sophism.
The Gnostic movement cannot accept this hypothesis, which cannot be demonstrated.
This hypothesis states: “From a given point in our mind, we can trace a real parallel line in the visible reality, but only one line.” However, the unique parallel line does not exist.
The Euclidean hypothesis of the three-dimensional absolute and dogmatic space is unproven and false.
The absurd affirmation that the physical world of experimentation is the only real one results in there being a very common belief among the illustrious ignorant people (who have never investigated the electromagnetic fields and the so called pro-matter, as a causa causorum of physical matter).
The fourth dimension is hyperspatial. Gnostics have special techniques in order to place their physical body within hyperspace.
We, the Gnostics, affirm that the interplanetary infinite space is curved. We affirm that the infinite is in incessant motion. We affirm that there exists an infinite series of revolving spaces from different dimensions that mutually penetrate and co-penetrate without disorder. We affirm that all of the spaces of the infinite space have a hyperellipsoidal form.
We affirm that with the forces of the mind, the human being can place his physical body in whichever revolving hyperellipsoidal space he chooses. We routinely affirm that astrophysics will demonstrate to the world the existence of hyperspace. We also affirm that inside one line, hyperspatial lines exist.
We affirm that any human being can place the physical body in the Jinn State, at any moment that he wishes to, if he truly has faith in the Divine Mother.
Any sage of the elemental art (Jinn Science) can make the great jump. The Masters of Jinn Science can leave the earth in order to live on other planets with the same physical body that they have here in the third dimension. They can take their physical body of flesh and blood to other planets. This is the great jump. Some Masters of Jinn Science have already made this great jump.
The only body capable of floating in the air is the body that escapes from the law of gravity. Only the body that enters hyperspace can escape from that law. When mental force is consciously driven, the physical body can enter into hyperspace.
Jinn Science is a matter of vibration. Above and below the limited objective perceptions, there exist worlds that are located in other dimensions.
With the power of thought we can accelerate the oscillatory frequency and normal vibration of the physical body by means of certain keys of Jinn Science, which we give here. This is how we then penetrate with the physical body into hyperspace. When scientists gain absolute control over atomic movement, they will then place any physical object into hyperspace.
The devotees of the Jinn religion must pray to their Divine Mother, beseeching her for the power to place their physical body in the Jinn State.
The student must carefully select the key that he prefers in order to practice Jinn Science.
Remember, beloved disciple, that the divine powers of Jinn Science are very sacred.
These powers can be utilized in order to cure and heal sick people from a distance. These powers can also be utilized in order to enter the temples of the White Lodge and study the marvels of creation within the womb of Nature.
Whosoever wishes to apply the powers of Jinn Science for selfish gain will convert himself into a horrible demon and will inevitably tumble into the abyss. The law is the law. Karma will punish the abusers.
The devotee must choose the key of Jinn Science that he prefers. He must practice with this key daily, with great intensity, until he reaches victory. Jinn Science is not for the weak, the unsteady, fickle, or inconsistent people. This science is for people who have as much patience as Saint Job. This science is for tenacious, courageous, alert, and strong people who are strong as steel.
This science is not for skeptical people. Such people are useless for Jinn Science. This science should never be exhibited, for the White Lodge forbids it. Jinn Science is not to be displayed or demonstrated as a spectacle of magic. This science is terribly divine and can be practiced only in secret. When I, the author of this book, wanted to publicly demonstrate Jinn Science, the Master Morya immediately intervened by saying: “We have been teaching and helping you for the past ten years and now you want to exhibit your powers. Why? Powers are very sacred. Powers must not be exhibited to the public.”
Since then we have understood that the Jinn Science is very secret. Many people would like to see demonstrations. We, the brothers and sisters of the temple, are not experimental animals of a laboratory.
The truth is what one experiences within oneself. We cannot experiment with other people’s bodies.
We give the keys so that each one can experiment this with their own flesh. We do not advise people who are filled with doubts—skeptical ones—to enter into these studies, because they may go mad. The battle of tremendous contrast and opposition can destroy the brains of the skeptics; this may force them into a mental institution.
Therefore, Jinn Science is for those who have unbreakable faith, like steel. This science is not for people who are full of doubts.
For those who have strong faith, the keys to experiencing Jinn Science are given here."